sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011

Zanzalá n.2 2011 - call for papers

New Cartographies for World Science Fiction | Novas Cartografias para o Cinema Mundial

Zanzalá – The Brazilian Journal for SF Studies invites authors to submit proposals for its second issue (2 2011). The overall theme of this issue is "New cartographies for world science fiction." This issue will gather essays, short papers and reviews which contribute to expanding the boundaries of science fiction studies, shedding light on obscure or lesser-known landscapes of the genre in its many shapes and interfaces: literature, audiovisual, games, theater, music, contemporary art, graphic arts, design, etc. Papers that propose "maps," historiographies and theorizations (new or alternative), or historiographical or theoretical revisions related to the universe of science fiction are particularly welcome. Submissions should be sent to by October 31. Guidelines for submissions can be found at

Zanzalá – Estudos de Ficção Científica convida pesquisadores a submeterem artigos para o segundo número da revista (n.2 2011). O tema geral deste número é “Novas cartografias para a ficção científica mundial”. A proposta é reunir artigos, short papers e resenhas que contribuam sob variadas formas para a ampliação de fronteiras nos estudos de ficção científica, lançando luz sobre paisagens menos conhecidas ou obscuras do gênero em suas mais diversas modalidades e interfaces: literatura, audiovisual, games, teatro, música, arte contemporânea, artes gráficas, design, etc.. Desta forma, trabalhos que proponham “mapas”, historiografias e teorizações, novos ou alternativos, bem como revisões historiográficas e teóricas relacionadas ao universo da ficção científica, serão muito bem-vindos. Submissões devem ser encaminhadas até 31 de outubro para, de acordo com as normas para autores disponíveis em .

quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011

Lançamento Viagem ao Cinema Silencioso do Brasil, de Samuel Paiva e Sheila Schwarzman (orgs.)

Lançamento Viagem ao Cinema Silencioso do Brasil, de Samuel Paiva e Sheila Schwarzman (orgs.)
Cinemateca Brasileira, São Paulo, 13/8/11, 17h.

segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011

SFRA 2012 Detroit

CFP: Environmental Science Fiction and the Non-Urban Scape

2012 Science Fiction Research Association Conference: Detroit
June 28th-July 1st
Urban Apocalypse, Urban Renaissance: Landscapes in Science Fiction and Fantasy

Ecocritic Patrick D. Murphy notes, “The idea of the land as scape establishes place, whether woods or lake or mountain range, as something separate from human culture” (Farther Afield 13). Proposals are invited that explore how science fiction has addressed this land-as-scape problematic. Has science fiction largely supported a conception of the non-urban (“land,” “place,” “nature,” etc.) as escape from culture? If so, what texts maintain the land/culture divide? Or, has science fiction done much to challenge this divide with an understanding of nature as something we are always in—as something we cannot escape? What science fiction works maintain this more complex view of land and culture, and what do these works contribute to recent efforts to upset conventional notions about “nature” (e.g., Timothy Morton, Slavoj Źiźek)?

This panel is sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE), a professional affiliate organization of SFRA. Please submit a 200-word proposal in the body of an email to Eric Otto at by Friday, April 6th, 2012. See for more information about the conference.

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Zanzalá: The Brazilian Journal for SF Studies

Dear SF academic community,

We are delighted to announcethe launch of Zanzalá, a Brazilian on-line academic journal dedicated to science-fiction studies. Zanzalácan be accessed at

Zanzalá – Estudos de FicçãoCientífica (ISSN 2236-8191) is the first peer-reviewed Brazilian academic journal dedicated to the study and research of science fiction in multiple formats: literature, film, television, theater, music, games, etc. Zanzalá is linked to the research group (CNPq) Laboratory for Studies in Audiovisual Science Fiction (LEFCAV), based at the Institute of Arts and Design, Federal University of Juiz de Fora. This journal is published twice a year. Texts are accepted in 3 categories (essay, short paper and review), in 5 languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Italian). Submissions may deal with SF from any region of the world. The title of the journal honors a seminal novel in the history of Brazilian science fiction literature: Zanzalá and the Kingdom of Heaven (1949), by Afonso Schmidt.

For further information, please contact us by e-mail:

We invite all SF researchers to submit essays, short-papers and/or reviews.
With our kindest regards,

Alfredo Suppia
Instituto de Artes e Design | PPGCOM > UFJF
Institute of Arts and Design | Media Studies Graduate Program > UFJF

Jamie Bishop Memorial Award

The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts Announces its 6th annual Jamie Bishop Memorial Award for a critical essay on the fantastic written in a language other than English. The IAFA defines the fantastic to include science fiction, folklore, and related genres in literature, drama, film, art and graphic design, and related disciplines.
Prize: $250 U.S. and one year's free membership to the IAFA to be awarded at the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in March 2012. Winning essay may be posted on the IAFA website in the original language and/or considered for publication in the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts should it be translated into English.
Deadline: September 1, 2011
We consider essays of up to 10,000 words (including notes and bibliography). Essays may be unpublished scholarship submitted by the author, or work already published (within the last year) nominated either by the author or another scholar (in which case the author’s permission should be obtained before submission). An abstract in English must accompany all submissions. Submissions must be made electronically in MS Word, Word Perfect, or RTF format.
Please direct all inquiries and submissions to:
Rachel Haywood Ferreira
Department of World Languages and Cultures
3102 Pearson Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011 USA